Sunday, February 16, 2014

Crispy Parmesan Chicken

Oh hey there… I'm the worst.

Without further ado… Crispy Parmesan Chicken!

Doesn't that look good? Not sure why they're using a giant fork, but to each their own. Recipe here.

Luckily, my family is the kind that happens to have capers in the fridge. Weird.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed smacking the hell out of this chicken. I think I will do this every time I make chicken from now on. Although, I learned later on a tv show that I smashed them poorly as I made several holes in each breast. Whateva

We found this weird egg separating technique on Pinterest. You basically just crack and egg onto a slotted spoon so the white falls down into a bowl. It was "cool" I guess but not the most efficient way to do this. I prefer the old-fashioned way.

I hate when recipes include a recipe in the title like it plays a big role or has a lot of it in the food when it doesn't. This should really be called "chicken with a little bit of parmesan and a lot of mustard and capers"

I have zero pictures of making the sauce. Basically when it comes to making more than one thing at once, I'm lucky if I get both to the table let alone documenting it.


I actually really liked how this recipe turned out. I was super apprehensive about the capers and dijon because I'm not sure I like either, but it ended up being really good. I'm just going to say again how I plan on smashing every piece of chicken I cook from now on because it's super fun and makes cooking it a snap. No more burning the outside while the inside stays raw. Super bonus: you have leftovers because you trick yourself into thinking a smaller portion is big enough! Also super impressed with the sauce. I'm not sure which part I liked most about it, but I enjoyed its saltiness… so maybe the capers? Except I couldn't bring myself to eat one in real life. Mom and Dad really liked it and hoped we'd make it again. Mom agrees this shouldn't be parmesan chicken but maybe "Lemon Chicken Piccatta." That's basically what this is. 

Stuck to the script: I think we did pretty good… I'm going to be generous and say 100% because it's been so long I can't actually remember.

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