Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chocolate Peanut Butter Lover's Granola


I stumbled across this through my cousin's tips to improve my granola just around the time I was trying with every ounce of my being to not eat the TWO peanut butter O'Henry bars in my room. I can't be going to the gym six days a week to lose it all to a chocolate bar… This recipe seemed my saving grace.
Oh yeahhh… I basically ran to the store to get the ingredients after reading this recipe. And you should too. Just stop reading this right now and go make this. I'm giving away the ending, but you'll thank me.

Also included: natural peanut butter. I have no idea why it was not included in this picture. It's a pretty integral part of this thing...

Peanuts: CHOPP'D! 
For some reason I felt they were quite large and so I chopped them down a bit before adding.

I really wish I took a picture of the wet ingredients before I added them because I definitely exploded them in the microwave. Actually that's probably why I didn't take a picture. I don't think I needed to melt the wet ingredients because I used natural peanut butter and it's generally more runny than Kraft stuff. OK, at this point in the baking process, it smelled super good. I already knew this was a winner.



And again!

So much delicious!

Everything about this recipe is a winner. Danielle tried to eat it the moment I took it out of the oven. She burnt her mouth. It is that delicious smelling. I really wanted to use this as cereal but that felt too indulgent due to the amount… so I just stood in the kitchen shoving handfuls of it into my mouth until someone caught me. Mom put it on her yogurt and then made me hide it so she wouldn't eat it all. Why are you even still reading this?! Go make it now!!

Stuck to the script: 100%

1 comment:

  1. It's like crack. (or so I imagine) I was up in the middle of the night eating it out of the jar.
